Friday, March 8, 2013

Rhetoric on the brain..

Lately, everything I look at-- literally everything, from magazine covers, book covers, coffee mugs, menus, labels, board games, facebook posts, advertisements, descriptions, everything-- I apply rhetoric to it. I rhetorically analyze everything.

What are they trying to say?
Who are they trying o say it to?
Why are they trying to say this?
In what ways are they going about getting their message across?....
excigency? constraints? audiences? goals?....

I try to think of ways they could have displayed or worded something differently, I think of the type of impact what they have created or said has on their audience- and their unintended viewers? Does it effect them negatively? Positively? I just can't stop ladies!

I wish I could post everything that really grabbed my attention...but I can't post all of them or it would be too much. Here's one that I came across while I was communicating with my father via Facbook (you can obviously tell his stance on things haha)-----crazy that just the action of "posting "a graphic to his Facebook wall, and "sharing" it with people, he is forming or displaying an aspect of his identity! exciting right?! haha

Anyways, take a look below and see what you think of the message/argument/"calling to change" this post is trying to attempt....then think about could/would happen if something like this went viral???

p.s. don't mind my advertisements-they get me every time, apparently they think I'm a homeowner.

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