Friday, March 29, 2013

Please excuse my brief digital rhetoric tangent.


 as I am reviewing the different research and study methods  (and of course checking emails constantly)....Not only am I realizing the crazy amount of procedural and invitational rhetoric of practically everything that we use on the internet. Every thing from the bright blue links our eyes are drawn to click on, to the little red (Facebook), orange (Instagram), (I don't know what color  Pinterest notifications are...yet,) but all of these tools and mechanics are constantly inviting us to use them, and then the whole format and structure of the internet is a procedure we go through...)--Now I just need to apply this to my paper.

Also, how inviting is it for us to just use our Google Calendar or our phones to remind us of everything from assignments due to coffee meetings, are we too lazy? busy?  ...overwhelmed maybe?


Anways, back to work! Sending good vibes for everyone's paper!


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of mechanics lol. While they can be overwhelming at first, I do find them fascinating. And they are a good thing to be aware of when studying stuff like the internet or videogames because as you've noticed they basically come together like a bunch of puzzle pieces to make everything.


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