Sunday, February 24, 2013

Digital Rhetorics on the Brain

So, I realized that I had drawn out all of my notes on chapters 6,7 and 8 and had this grand plan of redesigning them and editing them to share with everyone, but instead, I ended up coming across this song by the rapper/singer Mackelmore, he's recently become quite popular, but I was listening to some of his older work and came across the song I will post below, "White Privilege". Hearing the song reminded me of so many things having to do with the interweb, technology, Nakamura, and oh-so-much more of what we have been discussing in Digital Rhetorics and Web Design. From race issues (Nakamurak, Menu-Driven Identities, p. 107-111) online to the concept of media going viral (Warneick & Heinman p. 63), it completely captivated me (**AND it's relation to this whole "Harlem Shake" media epidemic). I drew up some notes about it, and am going to attempt to post a low quality picture of them, so sorry if they are difficult to read. **Also, I just went to get the video to post below and its a wonderful digital artifact to discuss in itself with the creators choice of images, text and arrangement of the video. See what you think....

*My notes should be attached at the bottom

and here is the

Macklemore video:
"White Privilege" - Mackelmore
I'm having some technical diifficulty posting the video and image from my tablet. I will fix it tomorrow, but I can't withhold this anymore!

p.s. This is so interesting!


  1. I did, however, read 6,7 and 8 and took notes on terms such as consubstantiality, Charland's "interpellated" concept (which I am unsure about), the constitutive theory of identity/marker of cultural identity, apologia, agency, narrative, hacktivism, cyberterror, and handfuls of other interesting ideas and terms. If only class were three hours long so we could manage to discuss it all!

  2. you look like you are mapping out your argument... maybe?


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