Historical, ethical, and social implications of digital rhetorics, investigating how rhetorics figure in digital contexts with special attention to digital content and programmatic form. Critical understanding of rhetorical analysis through readings, discussion, and research of contemporary issues in digital rhetorics.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Article form Online Rhetoric
Please hyperlink to your article in this post or as a comment to this post.
So, for some strange reason, no matter what browser I use the toolbar to add a hyperlink is gone. I'll just post the URL, the title of the article is Social Networking and Cloud Computing: Precarious Affordances for the "Prosumer" http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/wsq/summary/v037/37.1-2.bianco.html
Interactivity: From New Media to Communicaton
ReplyDeleteInteractivity: a concept explication
DeleteSo, for some strange reason, no matter what browser I use the toolbar to add a hyperlink is gone. I'll just post the URL, the title of the article is Social Networking and Cloud Computing: Precarious Affordances for the "Prosumer"
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