Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Urban Mappings: Jeff Rice

This reading was really interesting to read, because it's about a city that I grew up near to and grew up hearing about. It was also interesting to read about things such as Google Maps and other mapping software, since I've never really thought about them before. I like a lot of the points Rice makes in this analysis, as well as the way that it's set up. Several of the points relating to identity I believe I will be able to use in my own analysis, which is helpful. He says things such as, "it's not enough to have a supply of things to say, but it is also necessary to say it in the right way", and the user is "cutting and pasting, combining, and appropriating. Through such acts, Dickinson write, the rhetor creates "a stylized invention of the self"". I love that second quote, because while not related, it fits so perfectly into my paper!

He also talks about personal interactions and associations with not only places, but also mapping software, saying that while Google Maps tells him to go through Path A because it's quicker and the traffic is smoother, he prefers to take Path B not because of the speed limit or number of stop lights, but because of the images he associated with the path, the music and people he hears and sees, and the feelings he get. I found this very interesting, because I do the same thing, but have never thought about it before. It made me think of when I'm driving with a GPS device and take a "wrong turn", it'll try to reroute me to a new street, when in reality I'm taking a "back way".

Additionally, he talks about invention and the originality of ideas a lot, which for my analysis will be helpful, since the particular aspect of Pinterest that I am looking at not only inspires, but expects creativity and innovation from its users. He also says, "ideas must be appropriate not only to the situation but also to the proper place within the discourse". I love this quote and think it'll work well in my analysis. Regarding invention, Rice says, "one must be able to imagine ways to connect information that previous set-ups have not yet allowed for". I also like this quote because I believe that Pinterest (at least the DIY and Crafts board) is all about the birth of new ideas.

Structure is another thing that he discusses, and it related to my project in that the structure of Pinterest is very loose and all over the place, but at the same time it is a very carefully calculated layout and is always the same. It's fascinating to me how both those statements can be true, but when I analyze it, they are. One thing he says is that the "structuring of the page affected the structuring of ideas". This I like as well, since (I'm relating it back to Pinterest again, bear with me) the layout seems like its very free flowing and unorganized, users may feel more inspired, feeling like they don't need to conform to a regular or stiff layout, when in reality, the layout is very structured. Rice also says, "invention situated within a database structure affects a specific kind of identity", and I believe this to be true, and related to my project.

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