Monday, April 8, 2013

A little cheat sheet...

As I was reading the Carnegie article, I noticed a few terms came up that we have used in this class a lot, and I thought that they did a grew job of defining them. So, I'm going to list them here!

Interface: a place of interaction, whether the interactions are between the user and the computer, user and software, computer and software, user and content, software and content, user and culture, and the user and other users.

New Media: provides users the means to generate, seek, and share content selectively, and to interact with other individuals and groups, on a scale that was impractical with traditional mass media. A combanation of the artifacts or devices that enable and extend our abilities to communicate; the communcation activities or practices we engage in to develop and use these devices; and the social arrangements or organizationas that form around the devices and practices.

Multi-directionality: a mode of interactivity associated with with systems that have been networked and nodal  points of contact and interaction.

Hypertextuality: a means for linking the objects.

Intertextuality: a method by which objects can draw upon and refer to other objects for contextualization and to build meaning.

Interactivity: the extent to which messages in a sequence relate to each other, and especially the extent to which later messages recount the relatedness of earlier messages.

Review: consists of asking users to fill out a form in which the user rates and comments on a product or service.

Digitization: gives rise to the mode of manipubility.

Presence: a move of interactivity that materializes as a result of the convergence of media with computer technology that has formed a new media.

Spacial presence - a user's sense of being present in a "place" or a meditated environment distinct from the place in which the user physically exists.

Schemas: cognitive frameworks that map the experience and outline the scripts and actions required for given situations.

Flow: a condition in which an individual loses a sense of self and time and become sintensely focused on the task at hand.

The article was about how new media functions rhetorically today and how we as users of new media can correctly view these new means of interactivity in a way that develops our understanding of multi-directionality. This means that not only we as users of technology interact with a computer, or a website, or any other platform, but it also interacts with us and others. This creates a web of users interacting who do not even realize they are - a blind network on the world wide web.

1 comment:

  1. excellent job defining terms useful to your work!

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of a 'blind' network?


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